Thursday 19 November 2020

Traction and Different Types of Tyres

 One of the essential functions performed by your tyres is keeping you safe. They carry this huge responsibility for your safety and have been doing their job nicely. Your tyres make the sole contact point with the road and the vehicle. This means that this junction needs a special force to keep the vehicle moving. 

Traction is the major reason behind the movement of your car. It is the resistance between the tyre and the road. The engine power urges the wheel axle to exert a particular amount of torque. The traction that your tyres receive is the result of this torque. 

How is Traction Achieved?

When you decide to buy a new tyre set, you are asked to choose a specific tread pattern. It is the major factor that determines the quality of traction that your DunlopTyres Birmingham is going to deliver. Different tread patterns are designed for different conditions so you get the maximum amount of traction. 

For example, various tyres have a tread pattern which consists of grooves and sipes. These two components assist in attaining a good amount of traction for smooth rides. The grooves have proved to be effective on muddy and wet roads. They bite across the muddy surfaces and provide enough road-tyre contact to move forward. This also helps in reducing the chances of aquaplaning. Grooves and sipes channel the water away from the tyre surface, reducing the risk of a vehicle slippage or road hazard. 

Traction in Winter and Summer Tyres

Your choice of buying tyres also depends on the area in which you live. Your Tyres Birmingham performs according to the tread pattern, which determines their traction. The change in season brings with it different road conditions. This is why winter and summer tyres were individually developed. Both of these categories come with specific features, and one of them is their traction ability. 

About Summer Tyres

People living in areas with temperatures above 7 degrees, need to install summer tyres. These regions experience harsh summers, which are accompanied by dry and warm roads. The traction needed on such roads can only be delivered by a summer tyre. These tyres are made of a hard rubber compound that assists in gaining traction and a strong grip on dry roads. 

About Winter Tyres

Regions where winters are harsh and the snowfall is severe, put forward the need for winter tyres. They are made of a harder rubber compound and have a different tread pattern. Sipes and grooves are present on the tread compound for better movement. They bite through the layers of snow and enable the tyre to attain a strong grip even on snowy and icy roads. 

These tyres are used when the temperature falls below 7 degrees. The freezing cold winters need a specific tyre set for better traction and the same goes for summer seasons. 

What about the All-Season Tyres?

The third category of tyres is the All Season ones. There are areas where summers and winters are not very harsh. Such places have a moderate climate. To save the drivers from the expenses of buying and maintaining two different tyre sets, All season tyres were invented. These tyres can be used in both seasons as long as the weather is not severe. They also deliver traction according to the weather requirement. 

Thursday 12 November 2020

Is Buying New Tyres a Good Option?

Without the tyres, a vehicle is of no use. That’s is why it becomes even more critical to maintain it properly. Maintaining a tyre involves a series of steps from inflating to completing changing it.

Tyres help balance the weight of a vehicle, provide the braking force on the road, and maintain the direction of travel. But to ensure that these functions are adequately performed, a proper fixation and inspection are required regularly. The inspection may mean a check on tread depth, the pressure, or any sign of deterioration. To experience good driving, it is essential to ensure that the tyres are working fine because these little details of a car help to make the experience of driving safe and comfortable.

Sometimes tyres go through uneven wearing and abnormal wearing. Usually, tyres wear over some time. In such a case, it becomes essential to replace it. But sometimes due to an uneven or abnormal wearing, tyres could face a significant problem.

Abnormal wearing can be caused by an alignment issue and suspension problem, a fault in a tyre's internal part, or driving on the under-inflated or overinflated tyre. Hence, before embarking on any journey, one must look for a sign of any abnormal wearing. It is much better to look at them at least once a month.

The temperature has a significant toll on the Continental Tyres Digbeth. It is a fact that hot temperatures can severely affect the quality and performance of a tyre. The temperature of the pavement is likely to get increased when it comes to the pressure of heat. This makes the air inside the tyre expand to the maximum extent, which causes overinflation and ultimately affects the performance. Extreme heat builds pressure and tyre gets overheated much more quickly, which causes tyre blowout. Therefore, to make sure that the tyres keep functioning efficiently, it is important to replace them from time to time. That could mean the tyre’s rubber needs to be removed and changed.

However, a small technical flaw can be repaired in a tyre without completely changing it. All one needs to do is repair it properly and ensure when exactly it is the right time to repair it.

However, sometimes Tyres Birmingham maintenance costs a lot. This is because frequent repairs, replacements, can become too much of a hassle and unnecessary expenditures.

Hence, in some cases, rather than spending extra money on maintenance, people prefer to buy a new set of tyres. New tyres come with the guarantee of giving a supreme performance. They are brand new and are much more efficient than the used ones.

Here are some of the advantages of purchasing a new tyre.

  1. New tyres ensure better safety because of the brand new qualities.
  2. New tyres have better traction and grip on the road. No matter the surface, new tyres resist all and save the vehicle from slides and skids.
  3. A new set of tyres give more fuel mileage as compared to the standard tyre. New tyres save fuel and prevent premature wearing.
  4. There is no doubt about the performance of a new tyre. A new tyre would perform 100 times better than the used ones and ensure a comfortable driving experience.
  5. New tyres offer better grip and road handling. These tyres produce less noise and are a lot more smooth and comfortable.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Choosing the Right Tyres

Anyone with experience in the automobile field, especially cars, will know that tyres have a lot of importance. In the case of both old and new cars, good tyres are essential. Now, when people go to purchase cars, they check different features and performances but the tyres get neglected. They get clubbed with the exterior look of the car, a mere good looking set of tyres that matches with the overall car design.

But the ones who know, Tyres Birmingham are much more than that. The ones who are not sure what makes these tyres so special, we shall know all about it here. Let us first know how tyres are defined.

How Are Tyres Defined?

If you are in search of a proper definition of a tyre, it is nothing but a thick piece of rubber in the shape of a ring fitted around the wheel of a motor vehicle like the car, bus or van, etc. Now if we speak technically, modern-day tyres are made of different components like synthetic rubber, carbon black, natural rubber, etc. as they are pneumatic. These pneumatically inflated tyres are extremely flexible and can be used comfortably.

There are so many divisions and subdivisions under the tyre types. Just for a superficial awareness, some Goodyear Tyres Birmingham are tubeless and some are with a tube. There are non-pneumatic tyres as well. You will find more interesting features if you dig deeper than this.

Tyre Function

The basic function of the tyres is to support the load of a vehicle and roll on the road. Though it sounds very basic, this is why it is so very important in its existence. There are other essential functions of a tyre too, providing traction and better grip on the road, providing proper braking. This is so because lower the distance and time of breaking, lower is the possibility of fatal accidents. Tyres are also responsible for shock absorption and maintaining the vehicle direction. In a nutshell, tyres exist for making driving safer and comfortable.

How to Choose Right

It can be tricky to choose the right set for your vehicle. So it is advisable to take professional help at the time of buying. Still, some basic things need to be checked at any cost, we shall see that here.

Every car has an owner’s manual where there are instructions for tyre properties for that particular car. Checking the tyre tread depth is important as well. The minimum tread depth for tyres in the UK is 1.6 mm. New tyres shall have much more than that. Even if you are opting for secondhand tyres, usually you find 3mm tread depth. 

Another important aspect is the air pressure of the tyres. Checking for underinflated tyres is a must as it can lead to serious accidents.

Apart from these, there are many more aspects that control tyre performance. To know more about it contacts us at the City Wheel Refurbishment. We have several tyre experts only for serving you. Even if you face any kind of car or a tyre, issue we are just a call away.